I will be reposting some of my favorite stories all summer long. Our first one is @Robyn 's story. I hope it inspires you as much as it inspires me. :)
"'Victory is the beautiful, bright-colored flower. Transport is the stem without which it could never have blossomed.' Winston Churchill
High school was not easy. Is it for anyone, though? Freshman year I jumped full throttle into what I thought would be the best 4 years of my life. New friends, new classes, countless new and exciting experiences. What was there not to be excited about?
Long story short, I quickly found myself knee deep in a toxic relationship, one that left me insecure, scared, and traumatized. As a result, I fell head first into what would become a 3 year battle with an eating disorder.
In the beginning, I don't think I fully understood what I was doing to myself, how the choices I was making significantly affected my health and my relationships with friends and family. Within a matter of a few months, I ended up at the hospital having lost nearly 30 pounds. The chaos that ensued following my stay at the hospital ended up consuming the next 2 and a half years of my life.
I was forced into physical recovery, following a meal plan mandated by doctors and enforced by my parents. I was sent to countless therapists, nutritionists, counselors, and treatment centers. I may have eventually reached a better place physically, but mentally I was no where near recovered. During this time, I became distant from all of my friends, relationships that I had for years crumbled, and my home life felt like a never-ending stream of conflict between my parents and I.
It wasn't until my senior year of high school that I finally began to feel the burden of my eating disorder fade. I still followed a strict maintenance meal plan and struggled emotionally with social events involving food. But, I could sense my independence growing and I knew that if I was to ever achieve my dreams in life, I would need to put this behind me and not let it hold me down any longer.
By the time graduation rolled around, I was beginning to sense this liberation that I had dreamed about for so long. My friendships were on the mend, screaming fights were a thing of the past between my parents and I. No longer did I feel exclusively reliant upon the disorder that I had clung to so tightly over the past 3 years. I am unable to express in words the excitement that came with such an achievement - I was finally beginning to feel free.
The summer after senior year, my family and I took a trip to Seattle, Washington and Vancouver, British Columbia that I had the privilege of planning myself as a graduation gift. It was my first time traveling outside of the U.S. and the first time that I felt truly free from my eating disorder. This trip was more than just a graduation gift, it became a celebration of achievement and recovery. I no longer felt held back, scared, or attached to the destructive coping mechanism that I had held onto for so long. I was able to let go and enjoy the experience of a lifetime with energy, enthusiasm, and joy.
Sometimes it feels easier to focus on our failures, struggles, or afflictions. But, I have learned that regardless of wherever you are in life, or whatever battles you are fighting, you have the ability to be victorious. Every victory, regardless of size or importance, deserves to be celebrated.
Let every small victory bloom as proof that you are worth it, you are strong, and you can do anything."
Robyn-your story is one of my all time favorites. It still makes me tear up. I hope you are still celebrating your recovery. Thanks for inspiring me.